Saturday, May 31, 2014


This course is designed to provide students with the idea how to make an attempt at restoring that vision of the world that was created by the author in his work by using the model scheme of the stylistic analysis. Students will be required to read and interpret the text of their own choice in a written form. Students will be expected to get ready with the thematic Portfolio which should be necessarily brought to the last class to get credits.
 Required elements for the portfolio include:

-         The report about a novelist/ short-story writer/ essayist (e.g. Ch. Dickens, W.S. Maugham, O. Wilde, W. Saroyan, E. Hemingway, A. Hailey, K.Mansfield and others) you particularly like. While researching, consider also contemporary writers such as Brian Patten, Benjamin Zephaniah, Graham Swift, or women writers like Maya Angelou or Wendy Cope, or writers from Africa, India, or S.E. Asia who write in English, such as Wole Soyinka, Chinua Achebe, R.K.Narayan or Bessie Head. (You can check on all these with a simple Google search.)
-         Text Interpretation (of your own choice in a written form)

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